• Nov 19 2022 - 12:06
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ICOFC Ready for Winter Fuel Supply

The CEO of the Iranian Central Oil Fields Company (ICOFC) voiced the company's readiness to supply winter fuel and fulfill its production plan instructed by the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC).

The CEO of the Iranian Central Oil Fields Company (ICOFC) voiced the company's readiness to supply winter fuel and fulfill its production plan instructed by the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC).

According to ICOFC, Mehdi Heydari, during his visit to the operational region of ​​Khangiran, stated the purpose of this visit in line with the request of the Minister of Petroleum for the proper supply of winter fuel, and referring to the severity of gas consumption in the country, he said: “We request the people of Iran to save gas consumption because this is the biggest reward for their children in the oil industry who are working in the most difficult conditions and weather.”

Emphasizing the existence of a supportive attitude in the group of the Ministry of Petroleum and the NIOC, he pointed to the change of policy and work procedure in the ICOFC, and stated: “With the new mission that has been assigned to this company, it is moving towards being development-oriented and production-oriented.”

Hormoz Qalavand, director of production supervision of the NIOC, emphasized the importance of the continuity of gas production in the northeastern region of the country, and stated: “Our presence on the part of the Oil and Gas Production Supervision Organization in the operational district of Khangiran is to hear the problems and challenges.”

He added: “I will carry the message of the efforts of the colleagues of the Eastern Oil and Gas Production Company to the CEO of the NIOC, who, as the only gas producing company in the northeast of the country, are working day and night in the difficult conditions of the region.”


  • Newsgroup : Head line,ICOFCNews,ICOFC,all news
  • News code : 15409
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