• Feb 20 2022 - 12:51
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90 development wells to be dug in South Zagros fields in 5 years

As announced by the managing director of Iranian Central Oil Fields Company (ICOFC), 90 new development wells and 17 workover wells will be dug in the operational zone of South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company (SZOGPC) in a course of five years.

ramin hatami icofc ceo


As announced by the managing director of Iranian Central Oil Fields Company (ICOFC), 90 new development wells and 17 workover wells will be dug in the operational zone of South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company (SZOGPC) in a course of five years.

Ramin Hatami made the announcement in a meeting on forecasting the efficiency of the wells under the operation of South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company in the first half of the next Iranian calendar year (begins on March 21).

South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company is the largest subsidiary of Iranian Central Oil Fields Company.

Operating nine gas fields and two oil fields, SZOGPC is working in Fars, Bushehr, and Hormozgan provinces.



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  • News code : 14857
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