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TCCIMA holds meeting to discuss energy issues

The 13th gathering of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIMA)’s Energy Committee was held on Monday to discuss various energy issues including renewables, petrochemicals, as well as oil and gas industry.

The 13th gathering of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIMA)"s Energy Committee was held on Monday to discuss various energy issues including renewables, petrochemicals, as well as oil and gas industry.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the private sector from various energy-related institutions and organizations including the Head of TCCIMA"s Energy Committee Reza Padidar, the Deputy Head of Iran"s Association of Petrochemical Industry Corporation (APIC) Fariborz Karimaei, and the Secretary of Iran Federation of Oil Industry (IFOI) Shahrouz Zargouyan.

During the meeting, Padidar mentioned some of the events in the oil industry in recent weeks and presented a brief overview of the performance of Iran"s oil, gas and petrochemical industries in the face of the U.S. sanctions.

Further, Karimaei pointed to the need for a regulatory body in the petrochemical industry and said: "A strong and independent regulatory body to supervise various fields including services and commodities can be a good basis for attracting investment in this industry."

Elsewhere in the meeting, Zargouyan mentioned his federation"s plans for holding the country"s first international Pitch & Match event for the oil industry.
"This is a good opportunity to inject new international startup technologies and innovations into small, medium and large domestic companies active in the oil industry," he commented.

"In the current situation, it is necessary to replace traditional suppliers with companies that offer more-advanced solutions with lower costs; companies that have faster operation speeds, have the prospect for longer-term contracts and offer more guaranteed partnerships," the official explained.

Implementation of this plan will identify internationally accredited startup companies willing to cooperate with Iran, and by selecting and evaluating these companies, arrangements will be made to hold B2B meetings with representatives of Iranian companies on the day of the event, he added.


  • Newsgroup : Energy,all news
  • News code : 13589
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