• Dec 26 2021 - 12:09
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1.5 mcm/d Rise in South Zagros Gas Output

The CEO of the South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company announced a daily increase of 1.5 million cubic meters of the company's gas production capacity by launching two wells.


The CEO of the South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company announced a daily increase of 1.5 million cubic meters of the company's gas production capacity by launching two wells.

According to the Iranian Central Oil Fields Company, Seyed Abolhassan Mohammadi, said: “Well No. 17 of Dalan is one of the development wells in the Dalan gas field, which has been drilled by the Drilling Department of the Iranian Central Oil Fields Company for about 6 and a half months.”

He added after completion of drilling operations and clearance of the drilling rig, the South Zagros Technical Affairs Department, using the choke manifold and the temporary installation and connection of the fuel pit flowline, carried out downhole corrective actions, preformation of the upper Dalan and performed extensive acidification. After installation of well facilities, this well became operational in early December with a flow rate of one million cubic meters per day.

  • Newsgroup : Head line,ICOFC,all news
  • News code : 14739
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