• Jan 22 2020 - 11:37
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Kish Island hosting intl. energy exhibition

Iran’s southern Kish Island is hosting the 16th edition of its international energy exhibition (Kish ENEX 2020) which is hosting over 140 foreign and domestic companies, IRNA reported.

TEHRAN - Iran"s southern Kish Island is hosting the 16th edition of its international energy exhibition (Kish ENEX 2020) which is hosting over 140 foreign and domestic companies, IRNA reported.

Exhibitors from various countries including China, Italy, Japan, Britain, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, and South Korea along with Iranian companies, associations, and institutions active in a variety of energy areas, are participating in this four-day exhibition which kicked off on Tuesday.

As reported, this international exhibition is sponsored by the Oil and Energy Ministries as well as the Kish Free Zone Organization, National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC), National Petrochemical Company (NPC), the Association of Oil Industry Equipment Manufacturers, Iranian Industrial Equipment Manufacturers Association, Electrical Industry Syndicate and Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIMA).

According to the organizers, the exhibition is aimed to introduce the country"s capacities and capabilities in various energy-related sectors and provide a platform for domestic producers to get acquainted with the needs of the country"s energy sectors including oil, gas, electricity and petrochemical industries.

Following the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions and the problems caused by high volatility and rising exchange rates in the country"s currency market, Iran has been faced with some problems regarding the supply of necessary equipment in various industrial sectors, so the government has been applying new strategies to focus more on domestic production.


  • Newsgroup : Energy,all news
  • News code : 13568
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